Jockeys and Agents | Colonial Downs Racetrack Jockeys and Agents | Colonial Downs Racetrack
Live Racing at Colonial Downs in New Kent

Jockeys & Agents 2024

Jockey Weight Agent Agent’s Phone
Acosta, J. D. 117  Frank Douglas  443-889-4576
Allen, Jr., Ronald Dale 117  Self  517-917-1664
Alvelo, Jean C. 116  Kevin Witte  443-864-1513
Ashton, Gavin 114  Lizzy Morris  708-363-3042
Barbosa, Jeiron 113  Tom Stift  206-327-2001
Batista, Jose A. 118  Eddie Joe Zambrana  813-298-9619
Bocachica, Orlando 120 Jose Montano 352-207-4239
Boyce, Forest 116  Jay Burtis  410-703-2640
Briceno, Jean Gregor 113  J. D. Brown  202-744-1722
Cabrera, David 118  Jose Santos Jr.  305-979-7779
Carrasco, Victor R. 117  Simon Purdy  410-917-8281
Castanon, Jesus Lopez 117  Steve Worsley  410-920-6899
Centeno, Daniel 117  John Weiblicher  513-283-4475
*Chavez, Andres 109 Frank Douglas 443-889-4576
Cheminaud, Vincent 118  Jimmy Riccio  201-788-9891
Conner, Tyler 118 Lizzy Morris 708 363-3042
Cruz, Angel 117  Chris Pipito  518-365-0889
Curtis, Ben 117  Ron Faucheux  504-343-9020
Ferrer, Jose C. 112  Anthony Esposito  908-770-7491
Fuentes, Mario 114  Anthony Esposito  908-770-7491
Gallardo, Antonio A. 118  Paula Bacon  304-670-0279
Gomez, Kevin 111  Mark Mace  302-588-4509
Hernandez, Olaf 114  Penny Ffitch-Hayes  847-561-7170
Hernandez, Maikol 110 Self 786-352-7720
Ismerio Villalobos 116 Jose G. Sanchez 954-549-6668
Jara, Fernando 116  Jose Santos Jr.  305-979-7779
Jimenez, Manny 118 Self  727-678-5797
Jose Ferrer 110 Don Kutik 561-307-5005
Jude, John 116  Chris Cornett  510-290-7777
Karamanos, Horacio 118  Kevin Witte  443-864-1513
Landeros, Chris 118 Jose G. Sanchez 954-549-6668
Leon, Sonny 114 Peter Wright 954-993-5436
Lyapustina, Tais 115  John DiNatale  410-627-8563
Lynch, Feargal 117  Chris Pipito  518-365-0889
Marquez, Charlie 116  Jose Garcia  954-643-0387
**Maldonado, Christian 109 Jose Montano 352-207-4239
McCarthy, Trevor 118 Kevin Meyocks 954-651-8822
Ortiz, Yomar Orlando 113  J. D. Brown  202-744-1722
Reyes, Leonel 117  Jose G. Sanchez  954-549-6668
Riquelme, Jose 117 Self 318-208-4296
Rosado, Johan 117  Frank Douglas  443-889-4576
Rocco, Jr., Joseph 117 Joseph Rocco 443-798-4887
Russell, Sheldon 114  Marty Leonard  203-733-1367
Sanchez, Mychel J. 117  Scott Silver  302-540-1811
Silvera, Ruben 117 Richard Englander  914-656-3547
Toledo, Jevian 115 Marty Leonard  203-733-1367
Torrealba, J. G. (Jose) 115 Simon Purdy  410-917-8281
Treylon Albert 117 Kris Sankar 225-371-1289
Villalobos, Ismerio 116  Chris LaRosa  813-748-0713
Van Hassel, Christopher 117 Self 803-420-1533
Apprentice Jockey
Aguilar, Jean  110**  Tom Stift  206-327-2001
Almedina, Mariangelys  105***  Paula Bacon  304-670-0279
Chavez, Andres  109**  Scott Silver  302-540-1811
Iorio, Melissa  109**  Danny Mellul  516-946-0324
Maldonado, Christian  110***  Kevin Witte  443-864-1513
Maldonado, Gabriel  111*  Eddie Joe Zambrana  813-298-9619
Salazar, Teresa  111*  Chris Cornett  510-290-7777


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